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Bagel Bots Pro
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Weekly Prompt Breakdowns - Get in-depth breakdowns of every prompt we send each week, including insights into how they work and why they're effective.
Detailed Examples - See how each prompt performs with real-world examples, giving you a deeper understanding of its potential and versatility.
Submit Your Own Prompts - Have an AI idea you want to explore? Pro members can submit their own prompts, and we’ll build and complete them for you.
Hands-On AI Experience - Bagel Bots Pro is about getting hands-on with AI—learn by seeing real examples and having your own ideas brought to life.
Bagel Bots Pro
Unlock Pro
Two months free from the monthly plan!
Weekly Prompt Breakdowns - Get in-depth breakdowns of every prompt we send each week, including insights into how they work and why they're effective.
Detailed Examples - See how each prompt performs with real-world examples, giving you a deeper understanding of its potential and versatility.
Submit Your Own Prompts - Have an AI idea you want to explore? Pro members can submit their own prompts, and we’ll build and complete them for you.
Hands-On AI Experience - Bagel Bots Pro is about getting hands-on with AI—learn by seeing real examples and having your own ideas brought to life.