12,000+ people read Bagel Bots weekly to learn how to use AI to make more money and save more time.
Do you ever get a PDF sent your way and wish it was easier to extract and format the text from it?
This is my favorite prompt ever, and it will change your life.
The world’s top AI tools can provide a ton of insight into crafting a brand identity for your business.
I created a master prompt that covers various aspects of sleep hygiene and allows for a comprehensive analysis of your specific situation.
I created a master prompt to help anyone at any stage of their career progress to the next level.
I built a master AI prompt to help you start your new side hustle today.
Today, we’ll focus on helping you create perfect Facebook ads. Try this prompt, and let me know how it works for you.
No matter what you do and what industry you do it for, this master prompt will give you tips to implement immediately.
I created a master prompt for you to get your support needs handled quickly!
I created a master prompt that will allow you to fill in the blanks and get help with your time management and distractions issues.
I am going to teach you how to create a logo or t-shirt design with Ideogram.
I created a master prompt for you to get all of the tips you need to build your niche following.
Interviewing is hard because you only have a cover letter and resume to judge who to interview.
I created a master prompt for you to get detailed SEO tips, no matter what type of business you run.
Most people struggle to write about themselves, but this one AI prompt will take your LinkedIn page to the next level.