Bagel Bots

AI Survey

1.What topics or areas would you like us to cover more in future issues of Bagel Bots?
2.What are you most excited to learn from Bagel Bots?
3.Would you be interested in additional content, like one-on-one AI training or advanced AI tutorials?
4.How do you currently apply AI in your own life or business? (We’d love to know!)
5.If we offered a paid course or personalized AI training, what price range would you consider fair?
6.What could we do to make Bagel Bots even better?
7.Would you be willing to support Bagel Bots with a small monthly fee for access to exclusive AI training, tools, or deeper insights?
8.If you choose 'Other,' please add a comment below.

Maximum entry size of 400 characters

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