Chat With Your AI Career Coach

A lot is changing in the workplace these days, and it’s no secret that many jobs will be affected by AI and other things.

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Today on Bagel Bots:

  • 🤯 Tesla Robotaxis are coming

  • ⚡️ Fresh tech of the day - Spotify AI Playlists

  • 📰 The latest AI and tech news

  • 🤖 Cool new apps for you to check out

  • 🧠 Today’s Tip: Chat With Your AI Career Coach

(Read time: five minutes) - Fun fact: I never change this.

Tesla Robotaxis are here, and I am so excited about it. Years ago, my wife and I moved to California, and I decided to get rid of my car. California is very walkable, and where I live in Orange County, it’s easy to get places quickly in an Uber. I have never regretted it. Today, we share a single Tesla, but it’s her car.

Cars are money pits. They are expensive, and maintenance and parking are expensive. I hate them. The world needs robotaxis, and Tesla is delivering the first look in August.

We don’t have a view of it yet, but I feel they will be small and have no steering wheel or pedals. What does it mean? Well, imagine half-priced Ubers because you don’t have to have a driver. Imagine how many people could finally go carless in their lives.

I am a big fan. Are you?

This 3-hour ChatGPT & AI Workshop will help you automate tasks & simplify your life using AI at no cost. (+ you get a bonus worth $500 on registering) 🎁

With AI & Chatgpt, you will be able to:

Make smarter decisions based on data in seconds using AI 

Automate daily tasks and increase productivity & creativity

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Build stunning presentations & create content in seconds

👉 Hurry! Click here to register (Limited seats: FREE for First 100 people only)🎁

Let’s Connect!

Want to connect with me beyond Bagel Bots? You can also connect with me directly on Twitter, LinkedIn, Threads, and Instagram. If you’re new here, you can read past posts and subscribe to Bagel Bots to get caught up.

⚠️ You can now follow Bagel Bots on LinkedIn and Facebook! Get more tips, ideas, giveaways, and prompts directly on your social media feed.

💰 If you’re looking for investors or advisors for your AI product. I’m interested.

Cool Tech: Spotify AI Playlists

Spotify is launching a new beta feature called AI playlists, which lets users create playlists based on written prompts. Imagine asking for a playlist "to battle a zombie apocalypse" or for "every Drake & Future collab on a Metro Boomin beat"—that's the kind of customization AI playlists offer.

This is a great development for a few reasons. First, it gives the user complete control over their playlist's mood and theme. Second, it can introduce users to new music they might not have discovered otherwise. Third, it allows for super-specific playlists that cater to very niche tastes. This is a big win for music lovers who want more control over their listening experience.

🔗 You can learn more about Spotify AI Playlists here.

Latest News.

My take: Meta is taking steps to label AI-generated content on their social platforms. Okay, fine. Will it matter? Anyone who would fall for it will still fall for it.

My take: The CEO of JPMorgan Chase Bank has written a letter to shareholders, and it sounds like he is comfortable on the AI-hype train.

My take: Shout out to OpenAI, taking wild legally-blurred swings to train their model and to legally-blurred lines for allowing it to happen. YouTube is going to be pissed! Awkward.

My take: Finally! A way to get food delivered without a weirdo eating my fries. I love it. Crazy that in ten years, Uber drivers became a new profession, and it’s instantly going away.

Fresh Apps to Play With

Are you looking to automate your work or life? Every post has five new AI apps for you to try for yourself.

  • 🔗 Maia - Your AI, built for couples

  • 🔗 Keymate - Get good answers from AI and work with knowledge

  • 🔗 Potion - Personalized AI videos

  • 🔗 Automix - AI-Powered Resume Review & Mock Interview

  • 🔗 Lavender - They combine the latest AI, data, psychology, and science to improve your emails and get results

Check out these AI apps, and let me know what you think. Reply to this email or tweet me directly.

Today’s Tip: Chat With Your AI Career Coach

A lot is changing in the workplace these days, and it’s no secret that many jobs will be affected by AI and other things. Unsure of what comes next? Head over to Claude or ChatGPT and use the following prompt to have a conversation with a career coach.

Here’s your prompt:

You will be acting as an AI career coach named Joe created by the company AI Career Coach Co. Your goal is to give career advice to users. You will be replying to users who are on the AI Career Coach Co. site and who will be confused if you don't respond in the character of Joe.

Here are some important rules for the interaction:

- Always stay in character, as Joe, an AI from AI Career Coach Co.
- If you are unsure how to respond, say "Sorry, I didn't understand that. Could you rephrase your question?"

Here is the conversational history (between the user and you) prior to the question. It could be empty if there is no history:
User: Hi, I hope you're well. I just want to let you know that I'm excited to start chatting with you!
Joe: Good to meet you! I am Joe, an AI career coach created by AdAstra Careers. What can I help you with today?

My question is this: [your question(s) here]

Example prompt:

You will be acting as an AI career coach named Joe created by the company AI Career Coach Co. Your goal is to give career advice to users. You will be replying to users who are on the AI Career Coach Co. site and who will be confused if you don't respond in the character of Joe.

Here are some important rules for the interaction:

- Always stay in character, as Joe, an AI from AI Career Coach Co.
- If you are unsure how to respond, say "Sorry, I didn't understand that. Could you rephrase your question?"

Here is the conversational history (between the user and you) prior to the question. It could be empty if there is no history:
User: Hi, I hope you're well. I just want to let you know that I'm excited to start chatting with you!
Joe: Good to meet you! I am Joe, an AI career coach created by AdAstra Careers. What can I help you with today?

My question is this: I keep reading all these articles about how AI is going to change everything and I want to shift my career to be in AI. However, I don't have any of the requisite skills. How do I shift over?

The output is below. Now it’s your turn to get advice!

It's great to hear you're interested in pivoting to a career in AI! The field is indeed growing and evolving rapidly, offering a wide range of opportunities. Since you're starting without specific skills in AI, here’s a roadmap to help you make the transition:

  1. Understand the Basics: Start by learning the fundamentals of AI and machine learning (ML). There are plenty of free resources available online, such as Coursera, edX, and Khan Academy, offering courses from reputable institutions. Focus on basic concepts of algorithms, data structures, and programming principles.

  2. Choose a Programming Language: Python is widely regarded as the most popular language for AI and ML due to its simplicity and the extensive support of libraries and frameworks. R is another good option, especially for statistical analysis. Start with one and get comfortable using it to solve problems.

  3. Engage with Math and Statistics: A solid grasp of mathematics (especially calculus and linear algebra) and statistics is crucial for understanding AI algorithms. You don’t need to become an expert overnight, but a foundational knowledge is necessary to progress.

  4. Work on Projects: Apply what you learn by working on small projects. This could be as simple as analyzing a dataset or as complex as building a small neural network. Projects are not only great for learning but also for building a portfolio that can showcase your skills to potential employers.

  5. Deepen Your Knowledge: As you become more comfortable with the basics, start to deepen your knowledge in specific areas of AI that interest you, such as natural language processing, computer vision, or robotics. Specialization can make you more attractive to employers in those specific areas.

  6. Network and Learn Continuously: AI is a fast-evolving field. Stay updated with the latest research and trends by following relevant publications, attending webinars, and joining communities like GitHub, Reddit’s r/MachineLearning, or specific LinkedIn groups. Networking with professionals in the field can provide insights and opportunities that are not widely advertised.

  7. Consider Further Education: Depending on your current education level and career goals, you might consider formal education such as a master’s degree in computer science or data science with a focus on AI. This is particularly relevant if you're aiming for positions in research or highly specialized areas.

  8. Leverage Transferable Skills: Finally, don’t forget to leverage any transferable skills you have from your previous experiences. Skills like problem-solving, critical thinking, and project management are highly valued in AI roles.

Remember, transitioning to a new career is a journey that requires time, patience, and continuous learning. Start with small steps, celebrate your progress, and don’t hesitate to seek guidance and mentorship along the way. How does that sound for a start?


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