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  • How I coordinated 13 people's schedules with ChatGPT

How I coordinated 13 people's schedules with ChatGPT

Coordinating thirteen people’s schedules can be very hard. Enter ChatGPT.

Today on 🥯 Bagel Bots, we’re discussing:

  • 🚀 Unlocked the secret to everything?

  • 🔈 An AI app to try—Otter.ai

  • 📰 The latest AI news

  • 🤖 Cool new AI apps for you to check out

  • 🧠 Coordinate 10+ people’s schedules with ChatGPT

  • 🤷🏼‍♂️ Hard life > shitty life

(Read time: five minutes)

As a CEO, there are certain things I hate to do but feel I must be a part of. For instance, I am hosting our annual leadership meeting where I live in Newport Beach, CA. It’s incredible, it’s beautiful, and I love hosting people here. Of course, coordinating thirteen people’s schedules can be very hard. Enter ChatGPT. Details below.

Want to connect beyond Bagel Bots? You can also connect with me directly on Twitter and LinkedIn.

🤖 My new favorite AI app - Otter.ai (again)

I’ve talked about Otter.ai before but I have a new reason to love it. I am in many Zoom meetings every day of the workweek and am also a nut about taking notes. Otter.ai joins your video meetings and records audio, writes notes, automatically captures slides, and generates summaries.

After the meeting, it sends a summary with timestamps and essential topics and allows you to go back to get the transcript.

BUT, this is not why I love it. Something has come to my attention, and it’s fantastic. As the CEO, I cannot attend every meeting, but with Otter.ai, I have discovered that I can participate in every meeting. So whether I am there or not, people think I am there, and that’s just as important.

It’s creating waves, and waves are good!

I could not attend this meeting, but Otter told me people were discussing me.

Amazing. I died laughing.

Executives are noticing, and it’s good for people to know that I am actually everywhere. And this, my busy friends, is how you can double your output and keep up with everything. Just send your AI otter to attend meetings in your place.

And more:

^^^ That’s how you build suspense!

🔗 Do you want your own Otter? You can get your very own free Otter here.

🚨 Interesting AI and tech news from the last few days.

  • 🔗 You saw this coming, right? - How AI is already changing the 2024 election. Read more here.

  • 🔗 You saw this coming 2.0, right? More disinformation is coming, I promise! AI Is Tearing Wikipedia Apart. Read more here.

  • 🔗 I think we’ll be seeing trillion-dollar AI companies sooner than later. OpenAI closes a $300M share sale at a $27B-29B valuation. Read more here.

  • 🔗 Learn the technology or get replaced by the technology. 9 in 10 companies that are currently hiring want workers with ChatGPT experience. Read more here.

  • 🔗 More of this is on the way, trust me. IBM halts hiring for 7,800 jobs that could be replaced by AI. Read more here.

🤖 AI apps for you to check out this week

Every one of these apps can help you with your company, career, side hustle, or personal project. I recommend diving deep into them all.

  • 🔗 Metaview - Metaview automatically writes your interview notes for you so you can save time and focus on high-quality interactions with candidates.

  • 🔗 ChatShape - Custom AI trained on your website and more.

  • 🔗 Joy Writer’s Block - AI assistant to inspire you in writing your toughest wedding-related wordage.

  • 🔗 Guidde - Generative AI platform for business that helps your team create video documentation 11x faster.

  • 🔗 Ogimi - Custom guided meditations just for you.

Check these fantastic platforms out, and let me know what you think. Reply to this email or tweet me directly.

🚀 How I used ChatGPT to get 13 remote executives to Newport Beach for a leadership meeting.

Everyone at my company works remotely, and more importantly, everyone has busy schedules. Twice a year, we invite everyone to my town of Newport Beach, CA, for an in-person leadership summit. Last year, we had ~10 people, and it wasn’t too bad to plan; this year, it’s thirteen people.

As I began asking people for their available dates, I was quickly reminded that I was attempting to wrangle 13 people across the country to a single place during the post-covid summer. So the first four people gave me their planned travel dates, and I manually tried to figure out dates.

Wait, ChatGPT exists. Why am I doing anything manual ever again?

Check this out (some names have been changed and removed for this example because I respect people’s personal stuff, but this works.)

The potential dates were sent out, agreed to, and everyone started booking their hotels and flights. I recommend using ChatGPT for your next corporate meetings, family get-together, or surprise birthday party planning.

This would have taken me a very long time to figure out, but this took seconds to accomplish.

Here is the prompt to copy and paste:

I am planning an in-person leadership meeting in Newport Beach between today and July 31, 2023. I need to find a Wed - Fri date range that works. I am including the dates that people are unavailable. Please find me any blocks that include a Wed - Fri where every person on this list is available, and is not interfering with any of the dates below. If anyone can not make every day of the event dates based on their dates below, we cannot do it. Here are the date ranges we must work around:

[insert dates here]

⭐️ My big thought of the day: I would do anything not to live a shitty life.

My life is harsh. I work long hours every single day. I have less free time than I’d like at times. I have a high level of stress often.

With all that being said, I have a beautiful home by the beach, a wonderful family, travel and eat well, and work with some of the most intelligent people on Earth.

It’s not always easy, but I get to live better than most people because I put endless effort in. You can do that, too.

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