The One Prompt You Need To Get Fit

ChatGPT can help you create habits that will set you up for success.

Today on 🥯 Bagel Bots, we’re discussing:

  • 🤯 ChatGPT can now see, hear, and speak

  • ⚡️ Fresh tech of the day - Spotify Voice Translation

  • 📰 The latest AI and tech news

  • 🤖 Cool new apps for you to check out

  • 💪🏼 Build strong habits with this prompt

  • 💸 Scared money don’t make money

(Read time: five minutes) - Fun fact: I never change this.

Did you hear the big news? ChatGPT can now see, hear, and speak! We are probably a year or so away from ChatGPT being the greatest tool for productivity and creativity that we have ever seen.

Don’t believe me? It seems like Jony Ive + OpenAI could lead to some amazing devices. This is unconfirmed, by the way.

 🔗 You can read more about this here.

Want to connect with me beyond Bagel Bots? You can also connect with me directly on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. If you’re new here, you can read past posts and subscribe to Bagel Bots to get caught up.

💰 If you’re looking for investors or advisors for your AI product. I’m interested.

Spotify released an incredible new AI tool to translate your favorite podcaster’s voice into multiple languages. This is honestly a game-breaker for content creators.

From Spotify:

Today, we’re excited to pilot Voice Translation for podcasts, a groundbreaking feature powered by AI that translates podcasts into additional languages—all in the podcaster’s voice.

This Spotify-developed tool leverages the latest innovations—one of which is OpenAI’s newly released voice generation technology—to match the original speaker’s style, making for a more authentic listening experience that sounds more personal and natural than traditional dubbing. A podcast episode originally recorded in English can now be available in other languages while keeping the speaker’s distinctive speech characteristics.


This is wild!

🔗 You can read more about this here.

My take: Are you ready to work alongside robots? It may be coming sooner than you think. I, for one, welcome the robots to our workforce. What about you?

My take’ The key phrase here is “Getty Images allows customers to explore the power of generative AI with full protection and usage rights.”

My take: Jason Bourne tech is here! To be honest, I assumed the government was already using this stuff anyway.

My take: What does it say about the our future that the current generation needs robots to be “sassy” to use them?

My take: My friend Claude is getting some fresh cash and some big upgrades. I am here for it!

Every one of these apps can help you with your company, career, side hustle, or personal project. I recommend diving deep into them all.

  • 🔗 Passage - Roll out passwordless auth with two lines of code

  • 🔗 Chatty Butler - Chat with unique assistants to get specific tasks and workflows done quickly.

  • 🔗 Vimcal - Vimcal is the world’s fastest calendar, designed to give you back control over your time

  • 🔗 Glimpse - A browser extension that understands any site you visit. Read faster, write better & surf smarter.

  • 🔗 Decoherence - Decoherence is an editing tool designed to capture what cannot be filmed.

Check these fantastic platforms out, and let me know what you think. Reply to this email or tweet me directly.

💪🏼 Build strong habits with this prompt.

I am addicted to building good habits. You could set your watch to my daily routine, but it took a ton of work to get there. ChatGPT can help you create habits that will set you up for success. Here is a prompt I want you to try:

You are a productivity guru and I need your help. I would like help developing a daily habit of [insert anything here]. Give me a 30-day plan to achieve my goals and make [thing from above] a normal part of my daily life.

I decided to test it out with the following prompt:

You are a productivity guru, and I need your help. I would like help to develop a daily habit of exercising for 45 minutes. Give me a 30-day plan to achieve my goals and make daily exercise a normal part of my daily life.

🔗 You can see the full results here.

💸 Scared money don’t make money.

Reminder: a $100 automated deposit into your savings account every Friday isn’t how you get rich.

Invest as much as you can as soon as you can, and just wait it out. The sooner you start, the more you’ll have when you need it for something big.


or to participate.