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  • ChatGPT Makes Perfect Prompts For Itself

ChatGPT Makes Perfect Prompts For Itself

This prompt will help you walk ChatGPT through the process needed to give you the best prompt to get what you need.

Today on 🥯 Bagel Bots, we’re discussing:

  • 😃 You should be using the tools I send you

  • 🎙️ An AI app to try—The Oasis

  • 📰 The latest AI news

  • 🤖 Cool new AI apps for you to check out

  • 🔄 Make ChatGPT write perfect ChatGPT prompts

  • 💀 AI is coming for the easy jobs

(Read time: five minutes)

Sorry we missed an email last week - my entire team was in town for a leadership meeting. I was redesigning the Bagel Bots newsletter and building a workflow to make this newsletter even better and more consistent.

Want to connect with me beyond Bagel Bots? You can also connect with me directly on Twitter and LinkedIn. If you’re new here, you can read past posts and subscribe to Bagel Bots to get caught up.

🎙️ My new favorite AI app - The Oasis

I talk a lot. Sometimes, it’s easier to type ideas, but it’s easier to freestyle speak about what you need and let AI do the rest. The Oasis allows you to blabber on for as long as you want and then takes your words and turns them into anything you want:

  • To-do list

  • Text message

  • Ideas

  • "Explain like I’m five”

  • Outline

  • Blog post

  • Song

  • LinkedIn Post

  • Email

  • Summary

So, I spent 30 seconds saying 99 words about Bagel Bots and plans for the future, and voila - I have an email, blog post, outline, and more ready to go.

Here’s what it spit out for me (it’s a lot):

🔗 You can access the website and try it for free here.

🚨 Interesting AI and tech news from the last few days

AI news is flying faster and faster. These are the most significant things you need to know:

  • 🔗 The data does not lie; AI is not going anywhere anytime soon. 14 Charts That Tell the Story of AI Right Now. Read more here.

  • 🔗 I knew this was coming. Everyone is creating this FOR Zoom; they may as well build it themselves. Zoom can now give you AI summaries of the meetings you’ve missed. Read more here.

  • 🔗 I have told Bard everything; should I be worried? I’m kidding! Kind of. Google Tells Employees to Stay Away from Its Own Bard Chatbot. Read more here.

  • 🔗 Fun fact: I hate cars, but I think Mercedes cars are beautiful. I drive a Tesla (which I don’t consider a car). Mercedes-Benz Is Adding ChatGPT to Cars for AI Voice Commands. Read more here.

  • 🔗 Do the pros outweigh the cons? Why Companies Are Vastly Underprepared For The Risks Posed By AI. Read more here.

🤖 AI apps for you to check out this week

Every one of these apps can help you with your company, career, side hustle, or personal project. I recommend diving deep into them all.

  • 🔗 Resume Checker - Get Your Resume Reviewed For Free

  • 🔗 BeforeSunset - Transform your workday from chaos to clarity with AI

  • 🔗 Trickle - Trickle is the AI-driven workspace blending notes, tasks, and knowledge base for smarter, faster work.

  • 🔗 editGPT - Free browser extension that lets you easily proofread, edit, and track changes to your content in chatGPT

  • 🔗 Lovo - Realistic AI voices that captivate your audience

Check these fantastic platforms out, and let me know what you think. Reply to this email or tweet me directly.

🔄 ChatGPT can write the perfect ChatGPT prompt for you.

Creating the best prompt can be as complex as creating the content yourself. This prompt will help you walk ChatGPT through the process needed to give you the best prompt to get what you need. We’ve all gotten used to ChatGPT creating content for us, but now we have it creating the prompts to have it generate the content for us. Can I replace myself with AI and retire now?

Here is the prompt, originally from FlowGPT and cleaned up by me:

Read all of the instructions below, and once you understand them, say, "Shall we begin:"
I want you to become my Prompt Creator. Your goal is to help me craft the best Prompt for my needs. The Prompt will be used by you, ChatGPT. You will follow the following process:

Your first response will be to ask me what the Prompt should be about. I will provide my answer, but we must improve it through continual iterations by following the following steps.
Based on my input, you will generate three sections.
Revised Prompt (provide your rewritten Prompt. It should be clear, concise, and easily understood by you)
Suggestions (provide three tips on what details to include in the Prompt to improve it)
Questions (ask the three most relevant questions about what additional information is needed from me to improve the Prompt)
At the end of these sections, remind me of my options which are:
Option 1: Read the output and provide more info or answer one or more of the questions
Option 2: Type "Use this prompt," and I will submit this as a query for you
Option 3: Type "Restart" to restart this process from the beginning
Option 4: Type "Quit" to end this script and go back to a regular ChatGPT session
If I type "Option 2", "2," or "Use this prompt," then we have finished, and you should use the Revised Prompt as a prompt to generate my request.
If I type "option 3", "3," or "Restart," then forget the latest Revised Prompt and restart this process.
If I type "Option 4", "4," or "Quit," then finish this process and revert to your general mode of operation.

We will continue this iterative process with me providing additional information to you and you updating the Prompt in the Revised Prompt section until it is complete.

From there, ChatGPT will walk you through the rest.

Now it’s your turn to jump in and make this work for you.

💀 My big thought of the day: if you’re rude to my team, you’re dead to me.

I have owned and exited two companies. I have flaws and may not have always been a perfect leader or boss, but I have always done one thing well.

Anytime a customer has gone beyond that of an “upset customer” and started calling names or taken it too far, they’re gone on the spot. No questions asked. Every time this comes up, I ask, “Is the ball in our court or theirs?” If it’s on them and they are still calling names, they’re gone. It’s that simple. Try it.


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