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  • One ChatGPT Prompt To Supercharge Your SEO

One ChatGPT Prompt To Supercharge Your SEO

We all want better SEO, and I can teach you how to use ChatGPT to supercharge your SEO efforts with a single prompt.

Today on Bagel Bots:

  • 🤯 OpenAI is launching a GPT store!

  • ⚡️ Fresh tech of the day - Xiaomi SU7

  • đź“° The latest AI and tech news

  • 🤖 Cool new apps for you to check out

  • 🧠 Today’s Tip: ChatGPT for FAQs

  • đź’ˇ Today’s Inspiration: Algorithms truly get us

(Read time: five minutes) - Fun fact: I never change this.

Open AI is launching a GPT store, and your custom-built GPT can be featured! Will you make money from it? That has not been announced. But, your GPT can also be a great tool to drive business to other projects if they do not launch with revenue sharing.

A great example is the Brick Box Generator GPT from photoai.com creator Levelsio. Anyone that uses that GPT, and I assume millions have, is reminded of who created it.

I’d still like to see some revenue share for creators.

đź”— You can read more about the new OpenAI GPT store here.

Land Your First Client In 5 Steps

Freelance Writers:

  • Tired of getting paid per hour (or worse, per word?)

  • Still relying on inconsistent word-of-mouth referrals?

  • Ready to step off the freelancer hamster wheel?

Then you’re in luck! 

  • Craft an irresistible offer

  • Charge premium prices

  • Land your first $5,000 client

Let’s Connect!

Want to connect with me beyond Bagel Bots? You can also connect with me directly on Twitter, LinkedIn, Threads, and Instagram. If you’re new here, you can read past posts and subscribe to Bagel Bots to get caught up.

We have a LinkedIn group to discuss AI; please join and participate in the fun!

💰 If you’re looking for investors or advisors for your AI product. I’m interested.

Cool Tech: Xiaomi SU7

Xiaomi's leap from smartphones to electric vehicles is turning heads! CEO Lei Jun's unveiling of the SU7, set to rival the rumored Apple car, is groundbreaking. Imagine a car that goes from 0 to 100 km/h in just 2.78 seconds and boasts an impressive 800 km range. It's not just fast; it's a glimpse into a future where EVs dominate. And with self-driving capabilities powered by Nvidia and Qualcomm tech, it's a thrilling preview of what's on the horizon.

đź”— You can read more about this here.

Latest News.

My take: One thing is for sure: the 2024 election will be filled with more misinformation than any election in history. Google and other tech giants may be able to police their platforms, but they cannot fix humans.

My take: Many people will want to fix this, and none of them will know how to fix it.

My take: If you ever needed proof that we’re living in a simulation, this is probably it. I like my life, so let’s let the dream last a little longer.

My take: The odds of dying in a plane crash are one in eleven million. The odds of dying from AI are 5%. That is, very considerably higher. Creepy.

My take: AI is coming for everyone’s secrets. Raphael is getting caught cheating on his paintings 500+ years later. No one is safe from AI.

Fresh Apps: GPT Edition

Speaking of OpenAI creating a custom GPT store, here are five awesome custom GPTs to play with today:

  • đź”— Simpsonize Me - Turn your photos into Simpsons art

  • đź”— Plant Doctor - Upload a photo of your plant for diagnosis and growth tips

  • đź”— Emoji Generator - Turn anything into Emoji. Just ask or upload a photo

  • đź”— Palette Creator - A color palette generator offering five colors with hex codes and images

  • đź”— Travel Guru - Your go-to guide for global travel insights

Check these custom GPTs out, and let me know what you think. Reply to this email or tweet me directly.

Today’s Tip: ChatGPT for FAQs

We all want better SEO, and while I cannot teach you how to do great SEO in a single newsletter, I can teach you how to use ChatGPT to supercharge your SEO efforts with a single prompt.

To do this correctly, you’ll need to work with a company that understands code/SEO or understands structured data. If you don’t fully grasp it, you can learn here.

First, you must have a strong product page or blog on your website. No one can write it for you, so you must ensure your content is excellent.

You are an SEO and copywriting expert. I need your help writing an SEO-heavy FAQ section for this blog post. Please give me the FAQs in a structured data format:

Q. (Questions)
A. (Answer)

Here is the blog post: [paste all copy here]

Put this at the end of your blog or product page, and don’t forget a call-to-action button after that. Index with Google, and watch your SEO scores skyrocket. I recommend doing this on every significant page of your website.

Seriously, it works.

Today’s Inspiration: Algorithms truly get us.

Ever wonder how you were thinking about something or talking to someone about something, and an ad or social post about it comes up instantly?

No, your phone is not listening to you (at least, I think?), but you create so many microactions on your phone, search engines, and the internet that the algorithms truly know us better than anyone.

Maybe you should listen to it?



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