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  • Create Your Own Restaurant With Midjourney

Create Your Own Restaurant With Midjourney

Today I’ll show you how to make your own diner named after you.

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Today on Bagel Bots:

  • 🤯 OpenAI has a plan for election misinformation

  • ⚡️ Fresh tech of the day - Amazon AI

  • 📰 The latest AI and tech news

  • 🤖 Cool new apps for you to check out

  • 🧠 Today’s Tip: Create Your Own Restaurant With Midjourney

  • 💡 Today’s Inspiration: Don’t compound the bad shit.

(Read time: five minutes) - Fun fact: I never change this.

OpenAI and many other AI companies have committed to being diligent about the spreading of misinformation during the 2024 elections, but will it matter?

I doubt it. People fell for misinformation far before ChatGPT was a thing, and they’ll fall for it for years to come.

Still, Open AI is saying the right things:

As we prepare for elections in 2024 across the world’s largest democracies, our approach is to continue our platform safety work by elevating accurate voting information, enforcing measured policies, and improving transparency. We have a cross-functional effort dedicated to election work, bringing together expertise from our safety systems, threat intelligence, legal, engineering, and policy teams to quickly investigate and address potential abuse.

They even have a new way to report potential violations:

🔗 You can read more about their election plans here.

Artificial Intelligence online short course from MIT

Study artificial intelligence and gain the knowledge to support its integration into your organization. If you're looking to gain a competitive edge in today's business world, then this artificial intelligence online course may be the perfect option for you.

  • Key AI management and leadership insights to support informed, strategic decision making.

  • A practical grounding in AI and its business applications, helping you to transform your organization into a future-forward business.

  • A road map for the strategic implementation of AI technologies in a business context.

Let’s Connect!

Want to connect with me beyond Bagel Bots? You can also connect with me directly on Twitter, LinkedIn, Threads, and Instagram. If you’re new here, you can read past posts and subscribe to Bagel Bots to get caught up.

We have a LinkedIn group to discuss AI; please join and participate in the fun!

💰 If you’re looking for investors or advisors for your AI product. I’m interested.

Cool Tech: Amazon AI

Amazon is already the easiest place to shop online, and thanks to AI, it’s getting even easier. The online retail giant is working on an AI tool that answers questions about any product on the website for those interested.

When I first saw this, I assumed it would just scan the product description that was also probably written by AI, but it goes deeper than that. It pulls information from reviews, too!

The new feature in Amazon’s mobile app prompts users to ask questions about a specific item. It then returns an answer within a few seconds, primarily by summarizing information collected from product reviews and the listing itself.

I find this very exciting.

🔗 You can learn more about this here.

Latest News.

My take: The memorabilia industry is about to take a massive hit. Especially if this tech is really great.

My take: Could we see a world where Elon leaves Tesla to go all-in on AI? It sounds like he’s thinking about it.

My take: Would you pay $350 for a perfect steak every time you eat? Would you care if a restaurant used this to make your steak perfect when you ate there?

My take: This feels like an easy win. How long until all cars and devices are managed via voice controls and AI?

My take: They say 40% of all jobs will be affected by AI. I think it’s much higher. Some better, some worse.

Fresh Apps to Play With

Speaking of OpenAI creating a custom GPT store, here are five awesome custom GPTs to play with today:

  • 🔗 Codeium - The modern coding superpower

  • 🔗 Summary With AI - Summarize any large PDF with AI

  • 🔗 ConversaLink - Empower your business with AI WhatsApp chatbots

  • 🔗 TaxPilot - TaxPro is not just an AI tool; it's a revolution in tax solution delivery

  • 🔗 CartBuddyGPT - Your GPT-powered shopping assistant

Check these custom GPTs out, and let me know what you think. Reply to this email or tweet me directly.

Today’s Tip: Create Your Own Restaurant With Midjourney

True story—I have a weird “dream” of retiring and starting my own minimalist coffee shop by the beach in Newport Beach, CA.

I often sit in Midjourney and create versions of it that blow my mind. It looks quite real. The other day, I told my wife I should just open a diner and name it after myself. Could you imagine having a nice oceanfront breakfast at “Adam’s”?

Today, I’ll show you how to make your own diner named after you.

Here’s my prompt:

An futuristic retro diner with a neon sign that says "Adam's", neon, Newport beach california, evening --ar 16:9 --stylize 750 --v 6

Here’s what I got:

What will you create with this awesome prompt? Change the prompt to anything you’d like and enjoy!

Today’s Inspiration: Don’t compound the bad shit.

You will be wrong. You will lose. Both of those things suck.

But when these things happen, just own it. The kudos you get from owning it far outweigh the frustration you’ll get from piling on top of it all.



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