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  • Use DALL-E to Create Perfect Branding

Use DALL-E to Create Perfect Branding

Figuring out the brand style guide may be one of the toughest things you do. DALL-E can help, and it’s actually amazing.

Today on 🥯 Bagel Bots, we’re discussing:

  • 🤯 Holy OpenAI, what the hell is happening?!

  • ⚡️ Fresh tech of the day - CarePod

  • 📰 The latest AI and tech news

  • 🤖 Cool new apps for you to check out

  • 🎨 Use DALL-E to create perfect branding

  • 🎯 Just play the game

(Read time: five minutes) - Fun fact: I never change this.

It was the craziest weekend ever at OpenAI, the company behind ChatGPT. I spent the day texting with friends and investors about why the hell the OpenAI board would destroy their business and do it in such a messy, public manner.

Is ChatGPT dead right now? No. Did Microsoft win the situation in a big way? As of this post, yes. Is this the end of all of the drama? Hell no.

Either way, Sam Altman is no longer the CEO of OpenAI, and that’s horrible for that business. Expect changes.

🔗 You can read the full story here.

Want to connect with me beyond Bagel Bots? You can also connect with me directly on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. If you’re new here, you can read past posts and subscribe to Bagel Bots to get caught up.

💰 If you’re looking for investors or advisors for your AI product. I’m interested.

If you have not seen the movie Elysium, you must watch it. It’s the future, and the rich can instantly jump into pods and cure all their health issues. Of course, not everyone has access, and that’s the movie's plot.

I was actually looking at using Forward Health for my healthcare (in addition to my usual doctor) and was hesitant to sign on the dotted line. This may change that.

The CarePod pitch is easy to understand. Why spend hours in a doctor’s office to get your throat swabbed for strep throat? Walk into the CarePod, soon to be located in malls and office buildings, and answer some questions to determine the appropriate test. CarePod users can get their blood drawn, throat swabbed and blood pressure read — most of the frontline clinical work performed in primary care offices, all without a doctor or nurse. Custom AI powers the diagnosis, and behind the scenes, doctors write the appropriate prescription, which is available nearly immediately. 

The cost? It’s $99 a month, which gives users access to all of the CarePod’s tests and features. As Aoun told me, this solution enables healthcare to scale like never before. 


🔗 You can learn more about this here.

My take: We’re just a few disbanded responsible AI teams away from a terminator situation. Should we be worried?

My take: Employees utilizing AI will crush employees who don’t. And yes, AI will replace a good chunk of jobs, too.

My take: I am pretty excited about the future of robotic restaurants. No offense to anyone in the food business, but I don’t believe people go out to eat to have interactions with human staff. Let the robots run wild and see how this goes.

My take: There is good AI, and there is bad AI. This is very bad AI, and this lawsuit will get very ugly.

My take: The power of Disney is very real. Right now, AI image generation is the wild west. Is this the first step in controlling what we can and cannot create with AI?

Every one of these apps can help you with your company, career, side hustle, or personal project. I recommend diving deep into them all.

  • 🔗 SaveDay - A tool that helps you quickly save, search and summarize your favorite content

  • 🔗 RebeccAI - Validate & Rate Your Business Idea or create a business plan in seconds

  • 🔗 Height - Stop managing projects. For good

  • 🔗 Claude for Sheets™ - Claude for Sheets™ brings your friendly AI assistant Claude from Anthropic right there in your spreadsheets

  • 🔗 ScreenshotAI - All your screenshots understood, organized and searchable with AI

Check these fantastic platforms out, and let me know what you think. Reply to this email or tweet me directly.

 🎨 Use DALL-E to create perfect branding.

Starting a business, content creation channel, or designing a project? Figuring out the brand style guide may be one of the most challenging things you do. DALL-E can help, and it’s actually amazing.

Log into ChatGPT, select DALL-E, and use this prompt (change anything you want for your business or brand):

You are a branding expert and I really need your help. I am starting a new business and need a perfect branding and style guide. This is a Japandi-style coffee shop by the beach in Southern California. It should be modern, minimal, and calming, almost like a spa. This is a place where people can work, gather, and enjoy coffee and tea in a peaceful place. Please create a style guide for me and show examples on how to use the colors correctly in the space. For reference, I love Oak wood, mint green, and black accents.

The response from ChatGPT/DALL-E was incredible:

Branding & Style Guide: Japandi Coffee Shop
1. Color Palette:
Primary Colors:
Oak Wood Brown: Warm, natural, and inviting.
Mint Green: Reflects tranquility and a touch of modernity.
Black: For elegant, bold accents.
Secondary Colors:
Soft Beige: Complements the wood tones.
Cream White: For a clean, minimalist look.
Soft Gray: To add a modern, yet calming effect.
2. Typography:
Primary Typeface: A clean, sans-serif font for a modern look.
Secondary Typeface: A minimal serif font for a touch of elegance.
3. Logo Design:
Minimalist design that combines elements of nature (leaf or wave) with a coffee cup.
Use primary colors with the logo predominantly in Oak Wood Brown or Black.
4. Interior Design Elements:
Furniture: Simplistic, functional wooden furniture with clean lines.
Textures: Natural textures like linen, cotton, and ceramics.
Decor: Minimal decor, focusing on quality over quantity.
5. Lighting:
Soft, warm lighting to create a cozy, inviting atmosphere.
Incorporate natural light as much as possible.
6. Brand Voice & Messaging:
Calm, inviting, and friendly.
Focus on the experience of peace, relaxation, and quality.
7. Marketing Materials:
Use the primary color palette.
Ensure all materials reflect the Japandi aesthetic and the brand's values.
8. Packaging:
Eco-friendly, with a minimal design.
Incorporate brand colors and logo subtly.

DALL-E also designed my coffee shop and packaging for the shop.

Try it for yourself and let me know what it creates for you!

🎯 Just play the game.

Reminder: life isn’t always fair. A lot of the time, we have to do things we don’t want to do.

Learn to suck it up and play the game. If you buy in, you’ll do great things. You'll lose if you let every little thing get under your skin.

It’s that simple.


or to participate.