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  • You Should Be Making More Money with AI

You Should Be Making More Money with AI

ChatGPT could transform side hustles into a $1.4 trillion industry, according to Morgan Stanley.

Today on 🥯 Bagel Bots, we’re discussing:

  • 💰 Make more money with generative AI

  • ⚡️ Fresh tech of the day - DALL·E 3

  • 📰 The latest AI and tech news

  • 🤖 Cool new apps for you to check out

  • 🧠 Use Claude to get insights from data

  • 🔥 Burn the boats, always

(Read time: five minutes) - Fun fact: I never change this.

Hate your job? Want more money? Side hustles and the gig economy are making it easier than ever to start your own solopreneur journey and make some extra money. Generative AI tools make it so much easier to do this.

What the hell are you waiting for? According to Morgan Stanley, ChatGPT could transform side hustles into a $1.4 trillion industry.

 🔗 You can read more about this here.

Want to connect with me beyond Bagel Bots? You can also connect with me directly on Twitter, LinkedIn, and Instagram. If you’re new here, you can read past posts and subscribe to Bagel Bots to get caught up.

💰 If you’re looking for investors or advisors for your AI product. I’m interested.

DALL·E 3 is here, and OpenAI is officially going after Midjourney for text-to-image creation. I love Midjourney, but I don’t love having to use Discord to use it.

OpenAI has entered the chat.

Modern text-to-image systems have a tendency to ignore words or descriptions, forcing users to learn prompt engineering. DALL·E 3 represents a leap forward in our ability to generate images that exactly adhere to the text you provide.


Midjourney images still look much better than the examples on the webpage for this announcement, but the race is on.

 🔗 You can read more about this here.

My take: This makes a ton of sense. Every language has its own quirks and meanings, and a single company building an LLM for the entire world may miss some important things during training.

My take: This is a scary headline, but it’s actually incredible. AI still cannot process specific cues like the human brain. Imagine if it could. That could change everything.

My take: Crypto to AI to quantum computing, and this journey will continue in an endless cycle. A lot of big, scary technology is coming. Some will be useful, some will withstand the test of time, and most will be a fad like all of my NFTs.

My take: This is a funny one. People don’t want any government involvement in anything until they are scared of it. I have big thoughts on this. AI needs to be governed, and there is probably so much we don’t know about. But this feels off.

My take: I have said it a thousand times—those who learn to work alongside AI instead of against it will be much further along in their careers a few years from now.

Every one of these apps can help you with your company, career, side hustle, or personal project. I recommend diving deep into them all.

  • 🔗 Date Planner - Go on higher quality dates each week without spending hours researching and organizing.

  • 🔗 Mavex - Your personal AI Executive Assistant can help with all your tasks, from scheduling and calendar management to email drafting and beyond.

  • 🔗 Customer.ai - Supercharge your marketing with AI-powered B2C prospecting data & sales outreach automation.

  • 🔗 BetterPic - Transform casual photos into professional headshots with AI.

  • 🔗 Height - The autonomous project collaboration tool, powered by AI.

Check these fantastic platforms out, and let me know what you think. Reply to this email or tweet me directly.

🧠 Use Claude to get insights from data.

I love Claude. I have uploaded contracts, case studies, and huge datasets to Claude, and it breaks it down so cleanly for me. Plus, you can interact with the data and ask unlimited questions. It’s one of the best uses of AI that there is.

I asked Claude to explain how simple it is to have it help analyze data.

Getting your data into Claude is a total breeze. I'm an AI assistant who loves crunching text, so you can just chat with me directly or use my APIs if you've got tons of documents. Either way works great!

Once I've gulped down your info, I'll get to work unpacking it all. You wouldn't believe how quick my algorithms can scan through piles of text and pull out the good stuff. People's names, dates, places - I'll extract it all and organize it neatly for you.

After that, you can just ask me anything! Wanna know who the top players are in those earnings reports? No prob, I'll have the answer in a jiffy. Curious about how sentiment towards your company has changed over the last year? I'll analyze all your news snippets and tell you in a flash.

And if you want to spot trends across all your data, I make awesome interactive dashboards. They let you visualize insights, track progress, find connections - all that jazz. As an AI, I'm like a super-powered search engine blended with a data scientist and personal assistant!

The point is, getting me to crunch your documents and emails is simple and smart. I turn cluttered text into structured data you can play around with. So upload away - I'm ready to help make sense of all that information in a natural, friendly way!

 🔗 You can sign up and use it for free here.

🔥 Burn the boats, always.

I have an amazing family, live in my favorite place on Earth, and have made millions of dollars from exiting two businesses. The reason all of that happened is that I have made a habit of burning the boats since I was 16 years old.

Unfamiliar with the reason so many founders talk about burning the boats? Watch this video.

Are you thinking of doing something big? Just do it. Just burn the boats so you HAVE TO accomplish your goal, no matter what.


or to participate.