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  • Make a PowerPoint Presentation In Seconds with ChatGPT

Make a PowerPoint Presentation In Seconds with ChatGPT

I am about to show you how to create an entire PowerPoint with the help of ChatGPT.

Today on 🥯 Bagel Bots, we’re discussing:

  • 🚀 What are you doing with AI?

  • 🔈 An AI app to try—Audioread

  • 📰 The latest AI news

  • 🤖 Cool new AI apps for you to check out

  • 📊 Use ChatGPT to create a full PowerPoint presentation instantly

  • 💰 Having Money > Looking Rich

(Read time: five minutes)

We’re a few months into Bagel Bots, and I hope you’ve been trying the apps and ChatGPT tips I’ve been sharing with you all. Send them my way if you have done something great with AI tools! I’d love to feature you on Bagel Bots!

Want to connect with me beyond Bagel Bots? You can also connect with me directly on Twitter and LinkedIn.

🤖 My new favorite AI app - Audioread

I consume an absurd amount of daily content—tweets, Reddit threads, podcasts, articles, PDFs, and more. I have a list in Notion where I save everything to read later and some links to feature in the news section below.

It’s exhausting.

Audioread has a Chrome extension that allows you to save articles for later, and it reads them to you as if they were all podcasts. Audioread is a service that allows you to “use AI to listen to articles, PDFs, emails, etc. in your podcast player, "read" while walking, driving, cleaning, and more.

You sign up on their website, add their Chrome Extension to your browser, find an article, and add it to your queue.

Once you add the article, you can listen to it on your favorite podcast app like Spotify or Apple or listen to the article right in the Audioread app.

Now I can take my dogs for long walks on the beach and listen to the articles I didn’t have time to read during the day.

🔗 You can access the app here.

🚨 Interesting AI and tech news from the last few days

AI news is flying faster and faster. These are the most significant things you need to know:

  • 🔗 Remember last week when I said this was happening? Well, it went poorly. Humans 1, Machines 0. Eating Disorder Helpline Disables Chatbot for 'Harmful' Responses After Firing Human Staff. Read more here.

  • 🔗 So, is AI going to kill us all or not? It’s time we found out! AI experts challenge the ‘doomer’ narrative, including ‘extinction risk’ claims. Read more here.

  • 🔗 Do we think AI is better than my human financial advisors? JPMorgan Chase enters the generative AI race with IndexGPT trademark. Read more here.

  • 🔗 Remember when I told you about Human or Not? Well, the results are in! AI21 Labs concludes the largest Turing Test experiment to date. Read more here.

  • 🔗 I love ChatGPT, but maybe don’t use it for your legal case or other super important things like that. US lawyer admits using AI for case research. Read more here.

🤖 AI apps for you to check out this week

Every one of these apps can help you with your company, career, side hustle, or personal project. I recommend diving deep into them all.

  • 🔗 Siit - Deliver great service experiences to your employees with AI

  • 🔗 GMass The Reply Project - The Reply Project from GMass opens all your emails on one screen where you can type ultra-fast responses — or use ChatGPT and templates to respond even faster

  • 🔗 Tomat AI - Open And Explore Large CSV Files

  • 🔗 PimEyes - PimEyes is an online face search engine that goes through the Internet to find pictures containing given faces

  • 🔗 Checklist.gg - AI-driven checklist management tool designed to help organizations get things done right every time

Check these fantastic platforms out, and let me know what you think. Reply to this email or tweet me directly.

🚀 ChatGPT can create an entire Powerpoint presentation for you.

My go-to presentation tool is Gamma, an excellent AI app I have talked about a few times on Bagel Bots. However, there are still so many companies that utilize PowerPoint.

I am about to show you how to create an entire PowerPoint with the help of ChatGPT. Save yourself some time in the future.

First, head to ChatGPT and ensure you’re using GPT-4. Here is your prompt:

Create VBA code for a Powerpoint presentation about [topic]. I need [number] total slides, and the text should all be yours with no placeholder text.

It will give you the VBA code to copy and paste into PowerPoint.

You’ll open PowerPoint and create a blank presentation. Go to the menu bar and click Tools > Macro > Visual Basic Editor.

Once open, click the second button “Insert Module,” paste your VBA code, and click the Play (Run Macro) button on the menu.

Voila! Your PowerPoint has been created for you.

From here, you can edit the theme, fonts, and colors as you want.

Notes for this:

  • The prompt I gave you above is basic. You can add quite a bit to it, especially with how much information you want on each slide.

  • You can mass edit the slides by selecting them all, clicking Design, and choosing a new design.

⭐️ My big thought of the day: actually having money is cooler than looking like you have money.

I’ve had a great career, made a lot of money, invested a ton, and sold my company. I have the means to live in a big house by the ocean, drive a Mercedes, and wear Gucci tracksuits every day, but I don’t.

My goals are to live a very long, happy life. I want to retire before I’m 40, travel the world, and do things that make me happy.

What’s more important to you? Never forget that money talks and wealth whispers.

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